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Kamal Thapen: General Introductory Course to the Alexander Technique
Van Dinsdag 29 Augustus 2017
Tot Zondag 03 September 2017


Kamal Thapen at Casa Lucia: General Introductory Course to the Alexander Technique

29th August to 3rd September 2017
29-31 August repeated 1-3 September 2016

This course is a general introduction to the Alexander Technique, defining and explaining the basic principles which underlie the technique: how people use themselves as a whole - mind and body - in everything they do, helping them move and breathe with less effort, improve posture, be more focused, cope with stress better and be calmer and more confident. The Alexander Technique involves no specific exercises, requires no special equipment and can be practised wherever you are. It is suitable for people of all ages and levels of physical fitness.Relevant to actors, musicians and for improving performance in any activity - whether in dance or sports.

Some anatomy and physiology will be introduced where applicable. Topics include spatial awareness, balance, co-ordination, developing powers of observation and focusing.

There will be a 3 day course starting Tuesday 29th then repeated for a second group, starting on Friday 1st

First Group - Tuesday 29/8/2017 
10.00-11.00am Free introductory talk to Alexander Technique
Followed by first session of course, 11.00 - 13.30  
Course continues:  Wednesday and Thursday (30/8 and 31/8)  10.30- 13.00

Second Group - Friday 1/9/2017
10.00-11.00am Free introductory talk to Alexander Technique
Followed by first session of course, 11.00 - 13.30

Course continues:  Saturday, Sunday (2/9 and 3/9) 10.30- 13.00

For each 7.5 hour course, 85 euros per person

Half-hour personal Alexander sessions can also be booked in the evenings at a fee of 30 euros/session or by arrangement for 2 or more              

kamalKamal Thapen BSc(Hons) MSc MSTAT FCollT 

Kamal Thapen after university went into work in the printing industry for the next twenty five years, as an owner and partner in businesses. Seeking solutions to underlying long term low back pain led him to the Alexander Technique for his own relief, and he became intrigued by the power of the technique to improve our overall health, well-being and performance. This inspired him to undertake the STAT accredited teacher training course and qualified in 2000. He is now registered with the CNHC as recommended by the Department of Health and has recently become a Fellow of the College of Teachers.

Passionate about getting the Alexander Technique more into mainstream education, business, industry and healthcare, Kamal became a founding co-director of HITE, a company, which also publishes books on the technique.

He is assistant head of the City Alexander Technique teacher-training course and runs courses for groups for Alexander at the City Lit and for T’ai Chi at South Thames College.

On a voluntary basis, Kamal has been both a Director and former Chair of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) and is currently the chair of the Friends of Alexander Technique, the Charity for the F Matthias Alexander Technique. He is also a trustee of the Alexander Trust and was a founding member and Director of The European School of T’ai Chi Ch’uan


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